
   Customer Testimonials
You did a great job - especially with no time. Thanks!!! …Fabulous. Really appreciate your help.
Monica J. Pepicelli, Infosys Technologies Ltd.
With the level of service you offer and the OUTSTANDING customer focus you show, there is no limit to where you can go. All the very best!!
Konrad Fernandez, Hexaware Technologies
It is amazing to see the level of granularity in the edition and I couldn't agree more on all your comments. Thanks for all your efforts. I can already see a great edition coming out this time!
G Srinivas Raghavan, Sun Microsystems
I must congratulate you on a job well done. I know you had to face a lot of obstacles while working on this project. The perseverance and the can-do attitude that you have displayed is laudable. You understanding of the technical and other aspects of the project really saw us through the schedule. I commend the way this project was handled despite the bottlenecks. Amitabh Dubey, Sun Microsystems
What we do

  • Is your technical communication user-friendly?
  • Do your white papers zero in on your prospects’ needs?
  • Do your case studies tell the story of your organization’s successes?

Effective communication that interests, informs and persuades the target audience by articulating the right message is vital for any business.

This is particularly true in the technology space where technical communication is critical to each release and savvy marketing communication holds the key to competitive advantage.

So how do technology companies like yours build and sustain the expertise needed to create quality documentation for your technical and marketing communication?

Some companies create teams of writers, but senior managers often end up working on manuals, collateral and papers. In the process, they expend precious executive hours. Instead, this time could have been invested in doing what they do best – strategizing and running the organization. Other companies outsource, but are often forced to grapple with unpredictable quality and delivery. Many blend both approaches.

Textools Communications provides process-driven documentation solutions for technical communication and marketing communication – ensuring high quality and on-time delivery.

Our customers – including global technology leaders such as Infosys Technologies, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, and Hexaware Technologies – testify to our intelligent approach to information, customized solutions, and responsive customer service.

Our mission is to help you keep your message on target so you connect with your audience. Simply and effectively.